Poland – Music and Sketches

Hello, welcome on my personal blog, where I put some of my thoughts, experiences, some bad some good.

I’m from Olkusz – a small city in Southern Poland. Probably never heard abouts, didn’t you? Well, there’s not much going on, but still, I love my hometown.

Olkusz – my hometown

One of the main reason to write this blog is music, the other is art. As I’m both art and music lover, i’m trying to conect this things as much as I can. LOve going to concerts and exhibitions. Fortunatelly, Olkusz is located near the Krakow, probably he best city in the world for people like me. Why? Firs of all, because there’s a lot of music going on. Brilliant artists, amazing concerts happens every week all year long! I have to admit I’ve spend a loot of many on concerts, but I never regret it. PLacec like Touron Arena or ICE in Krakow are amazing concert halls where the biggest stars play and they are always happy with the acoustics.

City of art and history

Another reason, why i’m happy to be near Krkaow is its history and culture. The city abounds in beautiful and historical buildings, streets, churches, cathedrals and so on. For me, as for an artist, it’s a paradise as I can sit in front of such building and draw it for the whole day! Additionally, there are many places around Krakow, where one should go at least once during the life time. Those places are Auschwitz Birkenau and Wieliczka Salt Mine, which, by the way, are also amazing places to draw!

Sketch of Wieliczka Salt Mine
take an educational trip to Auschwitz with Krakow Direct